At the heart of every well designed AV venue is the control software and hardware that enables intuitive and simple operation of even the most complex installations. AMX is the industry leading maker of AV control hardware and software, and Azbell has the AMX expertise to create the system that will meet your project vision and budget.
Azbell specializes in AMX with AMX certified programmers and a proprietary software utility library that reduces customization time and increases functionality and simplicity for the end user. We create systems that are automatic, intuitive and give the operator complete control over every aspect of an AV space including lighting, sound, security, shades, PCs, VTC, cameras, projectors, video and audio sources, and virtually any other device that can be externally controlled. The range of AMX AV switching and signal control products fits every modern AV venue – from a basic conference room to a complex network operation center or military command center.
Call us for a free consultation and estimate. When it comes to AMX – Azbell has the solution.

Touch Screen Control

Camera and Environmental control including lighting and shading.

Audio and Video matrix switching, fiber and copper media conversions, Multiple network
separation and security, advanced system programming. Total installation solutions.